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Re: windows editors?

WordPerfect 2000 supports DocBook.

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Luis Villa wrote:

>I know that this is probably not the greatest place to ask this :) but I'm
>trying to convince my cross-platform Lego folks that SGML is the way to
>go. That means some editor other than emacs, for the windows-based folks.
>Anyone have any good suggestions that I can pass on? I'm sort of going to
>put my foot down and force this one guy to learn Docbook, whether he wants
>to or not, but some good tools to help him along would be good to have.
>Any suggestions?
>	    "Summertime... and the living is easy...
>	    fish are jumping and the cotton is high...
>	    So hush, little baby, baby don't you cry."
>					-Ella
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<COMPANY>CommandPrompt	- http://www.commandprompt.com	</COMPANY>
<PROJECT>OpenDocs, LLC.	- http://www.opendocs.org	</PROJECT>
<PROJECT>LinuxPorts 	- http://www.linuxports.com     </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP		- http://www.linuxdoc.org	</WEBMASTER>
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