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Re: Subscribing to the new lists?

ldp-discuss is dead.

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Jutta Wrage wrote:

>In <E142N7i-0008Uf-00@avalon.westfalen.de> on Sun, 03 Dec 2000
>01:35:21 +0100, you wrote:
>>If the list manager an the mailserver are set up the same way as the
>>nameservers, it seems to be luck to get an answer or even a
>Wouw! Seems someone got it working. I got my subscriptions working!

<COMPANY>CommandPrompt	- http://www.commandprompt.com	</COMPANY>
<PROJECT>OpenDocs, LLC.	- http://www.opendocs.org	</PROJECT>
<PROJECT>LinuxPorts 	- http://www.linuxports.com     </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP		- http://www.linuxdoc.org	</WEBMASTER>
Instead of asking why a piece of software is using "1970s technology,"
start asking why software is ignoring 30 years of accumulated wisdom.

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