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Question about Linux doc project.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Perumalla, Koteswara Rao 
> Sent:	Monday, November 13, 2000 11:23 AM
> To:	'linuxdoc'
> Subject:	Question about Linux doc project.
> Hi,
> 	I have no idea about "How to write help, in Linux?
> I am new to Linux."
> 	For microsoft products there is one tool known as 
> "Html Work shop" using that one we can create Help., which 
> usually contains .chm, .hlp files. we can use that hlp file, 
> that .chm file contains all .HTML files. And we can provide 
> help for that application, like on clicking help button or F1 key etc, 
> by using .chm file we can provide Help to the user.
> My questions are:
> 1. "How to create help files in Linux?"
> 2. "Like HTML is there any specific language or any specific 
>     standards like SGML or XML, If so, how to show XML docs,
>     I think XML contains only content, we should provide some 
>    css sheet or something else. I want to know more details about this"?
> 3. "If we write in SGML, is it possible to handle localization,
>      I mean "Is it possible to show english and spanish content
>      using same style sheet (css). I want to dispaly english document
>     and spanish document in same manner."
> 4. If I use .HMTL is it possible to display in Linux.
> 4. Which versions of IE and Netsacpe are supperted for SGML, XML.
> 5. what are different image formats which can show in Linux documents.
>    like .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp etc. 
>    I think .bmp is specfic to microsoft products.

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