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Re: Writing howtos not under Linux (Was Editors for SGML)

The Windows version of WordPerfect 2000 Supports SGML and XML and comes
with Docbook already.

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Gabriele.V wrote:

<CITE>Now the point:
<CITE>I have searched for a tool that allow me to use a different OS and
<CITE>application (tipically Word under Windows) to produce an SGML HOWTO.
<CITE>I've found a lot of ports of unix applications that runs under Windows, but
<CITE>they don't meet my needs.
<CITE>* XEmacs is a big package tha needs to be understood. I have not the time to
<CITE>learn another package, because I use Linux only on the server side and for
<CITE>everyday-housekeeping-writealetterforfriends jobs I use M$ things.
<CITE>* Lyx is ported to M$ too, but only in his native mode. I was not able to
<CITE>let it exports in sgml format (I have a lot of difficulties in enabling this
<CITE>feature in the Linux version too !!!!!)
<CITE>* M$ has an addon called SGML Author for Word that ships at +500$. I don't
<CITE>know anything about it and I think i will never know nothing...
<CITE>* Omnimark Technologies have a software RTF2XML that runs with the trial
<CITE>verson of OMNIMARK LE that converts RTF files to XML. Ihave to check it out.
<CITE>In definitive: why we have in sgmltools the ability to convert sgml to rtf
<CITE>and not in the opposite way ?
<CITE>Another time: sorry for my lack of knowledge !
<CITE>It is a pleasure for me to write an HOWTO, it is useful for the community
<CITE>and me, but I have to put my efforts in the contents, not on how to build
<CITE>tables under Lyx or learning using Emacs.
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<COMPANY>CommandPrompt	- http://www.commandprompt.com	</COMPANY>
<PROJECT>OpenDocs, LLC.	- http://www.opendocs.org	</PROJECT>
<PROJECT>LinuxPorts 	- http://www.linuxports.com     </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP		- http://www.linuxdoc.org	</WEBMASTER>

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